The resources listed below we use at campfire.Ī list of some of the main brushes I use within Affinity Designer and Photo, this list is a mix of Raster brushes (the ones you find within Photoshop) and some vector Busters.
Note: Some of these recourses are paid and free. Tho, for now, let’s talk about some of my favourite and most use recourses to use with Both Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo. (I can go in more details about this design in a separate post) This is due to a number of reasons such as price, how they deal with clipping masks, gradients and grain, Primitives, The Ability to use photoshop style effects and tools within Designer (there version of illustrator) with the use of Adjustment layers and Persons, Brushes and much much more. At Campfire, we use Affinity Designer and Affinity Designer over Illustrator and Photoshop.